Conversations verging on sacrilege.
Welcome to Faith Adjacent
The podcast where we try to understand the modern dynamics of faith through a combined commitment to uncomfortable honesty, authentic weirdness, and critical thinking.

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For the curious who want to go deeper, or the theobros who want to check our sources.
Check It OutOur Series
Just like Noah's Ark, we've got a little bit of everything here. Take a gander at our collection of series - worldwide human destruction not included.
Faith Adjacent (The Series)
Faith Adjacent (The Series) is a spin-off of Faith Adjacent (The Podcast) where we break out of the sanctuary to find good and God in the things that surround us in our everyday lives.
Binge NowFavored or Forsaken
Because The Classics are mostly looking backward, Favored or Forsaken is an episode devoted to looking to the present and future as we consider current events through the religious lens to decide if they are favored or forsaken.
Binge NowI Kid You Not
How do you grow a child’s faith when you’re a grown-up who doesn’t have all the answers? Join Erin Moon and Meredith Anne Miller as they explore this topic through stories from the Bible!
Binge NowNOs of...
We have a LOT of feelings, and this is where they all come out. Listen along as we share the NOs of various topics such as Sermons and Youth Camps.
Binge NowOffice Hours
You have questions, and we have answers! Step into our office (in a non-creepy way) as we respond to all the faith-related conundrums keeping you up at night.
Binge NowSacred Cinema
Sacred Cinema is an episode series where we deep dive movies to remember them, to rebuke them, and to extract understandings and awareness that are both secular and sacred.
Binge NowStuff We Didn't Get In Sunday School
In our SWDGISS episodes, our Resident Bible Scholar seeks to identify and shine a light on the issues and questions most frequently glossed over at your church.
Binge NowThe Classics
The Classics recap stories in the Bible like your favorite movie, book, or tv show. With equal parts humor and insight, we walk you through the odd circumstances in which these ancient figures find themselves.
Binge NowCurated Content
Unlike women in the Bible, we've made the good stuff easy to find. Peruse our collection of deep dives and shallow swims, created especially for you.
Was Gideon a military super force or simply a willing vessel?
Knox, Jamie, and Erin choose a favorite that is faith adjacent.
Need someone to gently hold your hand and talk about prayer? We got you covered.
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