
For the curious who want to go deeper, and the theobros who want to check our sources, Bible Scholar Erin Moon has curated her list of favorite go-to resources.

Bible Gateway Plus Subscription

The easiest way to get a METRIC TON of translations, dictionaries, commentaries, and resources.

NRSV Cultural Background Study Bible

Although this is included in the resources, this is my go-to study Bible. Great for older kids as well!

The Message by Eugene Peterson

This translation re-ignited my love for scripture. I think it will do that for you, too.

Misreading Scripture Through Western Eyes by Richards and O'Brien

One of the hardest parts of reading scripture is our preference for filtering it through a lens of our own experience. This book helps!

Mary Magdalene Never Wore Blue Eyeshadow by Amanda Hope Haley

This book does such a great job of helping us understand our assumptions about scripture, where they came from, and how we can wrap our head around it.

Inspired by Rachel Held Evans

I am so grateful for this work. It's a balm and a kind guide towards the work of being frustrated with or confused by scripture, but still loving God.