Episode Archive

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Biblical Romance Superlatives

Today we’re handing out Valentines to Biblical characters! Join Jamie, Erin, and Evan as you find out things like who is most likely to have a secret admirer and which couple is most likely to break up. What’s the most sexual passage in the Bible according to Evan, and which host is the biggest flirt? You’ll have to listen to find out!

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Season 1, Episode 2: Noah and the Ark

April 10, 2017

We’re in Season 1: The Lineage of Jesus. In this episode, we tackle the story most likely to inspire a baby’s nursery decor. Let’s meet…

Season 1, Episode 1: Adam and Eve

April 1, 2017

This is the launch of Season 1: The Lineage of Jesus. You’ll learn more than you wanted to know about some of the branches of…

Episode Playlists

We created playlists so you don’t have to dig through the archives to find your favorite episodes. Be still and binge!