Episode Archive
You can choose your own adventure — listen to a few or binge them all!
Biblical Romance Superlatives
Today we’re handing out Valentines to Biblical characters! Join Jamie, Erin, and Evan as you find out things like who is most likely to have a secret admirer and which couple is most likely to break up. What’s the most sexual passage in the Bible according to Evan, and which host is the biggest flirt? You’ll have to listen to find out!
Today we’re handing out Valentines to Biblical characters! Join Jamie, Erin, and Evan as you find out things like who is most likely to have a secret admirer and which couple is most likely to break up. What’s the most sexual passage in the Bible according to Evan, and which host is the biggest flirt? You’ll have to listen to find out!
All Episodes
Season 8, Episode 2: There’s A New Queen in Town
January 26, 2020
There’s a new queen in town! In this episode, the official beauty queen pageant begins between Esther and the rest of King Xerxes' harem, but…
January 26, 2020
Season 8, Episode 1: Introduction to the Book of Esther
January 12, 2020
SNL’s Stefon would tell you that The Book of Esther has everything. It has murder, lies, intrigue, adoption, romance, a beauty pageant. It has villains,…
January 12, 2020
Season 7, Episode 6: Elizabeth and Zechariah
December 8, 2019
What if, on the single greatest day of your life, you met an angel of the Lord and ended up mute? In today’s episode, that’s…
December 8, 2019
Season 7, Episode 5: Jacob Wrestles God (?)
November 24, 2019
Let’s get ready to rumble! In this episode we cover the epic wrestling match with 97-year-old Jacob in one corner and the almighty God (?)…
November 24, 2019
Season 7, Episode 4: Ananias and Sapphira
November 7, 2019
In this episode, we discuss the story of Ananias and Sapphira. What happens when a couple decides to join the early church but they lie…
November 7, 2019
Season 7, Episode 3: Mary of Bethany
October 27, 2019
In this episode, we discuss the story of Mary of Bethany. Don’t sleep on this short story, friends. A leper hosts a dinner party with…
October 27, 2019
Season 7, Episode 2: Abraham and Isaac
October 14, 2019
In this episode, we talk about the (in)famous story of Abraham and Issac. This saga is one of sacrifice, blind faith, and God providing, quite…
October 14, 2019
Season 7, Episode 1: Balaam and The Donkey
September 29, 2019
Buckle up for the Wizard of Oz of Bible stories. In this episode we tell a tale of divination, blank checks to pay for nefarious…
September 29, 2019
Season 6, Episode 6: Moses Goes To The Promised Land (Not)
August 11, 2019
You break it, you buy it. In this episode, Moses makes it to the Promised Land! Psych. Instead, he smashes some pretty important stone tablets,…
August 11, 2019
Season 6, Episode 5: The Ten Commandments
July 28, 2019
Join us for a ride on eagles’ wings as we talk about those famously chiseled instructions, The Ten Commandments. This season of Faith Adjacent is…
July 28, 2019
Episode Playlists
We created playlists so you don’t have to dig through the archives to find your favorite episodes. Be still and binge!