Episode Archive

You can choose your own adventure — listen to a few or binge them all!

Favored or Forsaken

Is 2024 Favored Or Forsaken?

For our final Favored or Forsaken episode of 2024, we’re bringing our top favored and forsaken items from the year to the table! Listen along as Erin, Evan, and Jamie discuss things like Ilona Maher, Wicked as an Advent devotional, AI Jesus, and so much more! You’ll also hear what is currently favored for each of us.

All Episodes


Sacred Cinema: Captain America The Winter Soldier

April 1, 2022

In this latest Sacred Cinema episode, Knox and Jamie are deep-diving Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the vibe shift of the MCU. Coming in on…

Favored or Forsaken: To Be or Not To Be a Proverbs 31 Woman

March 25, 2022

To celebrate Women’s history month we’re deciding if Proverbs 31 women are favored or forsaken. Join Knox, Jamie, and Erin as they hold the source…

SWDGISS: The Trinity

March 18, 2022

In this latest Stuff We Didn’t Get in Sunday School episode, we’re talking about one of the most complex, mysterious, and just plain weird concepts…

Sacred Cinema: Thor: The Dark World

March 11, 2022

In our latest Sacred Cinema episode, we're hopping back on the Bifrost and journeying across the nine realms to deep-dive Thor: The Dark World. Join…


March 4, 2022

Prepare yourself for some Old Testament trash talk, because we’re deep-diving Elijah. Join Knox and Jamie along with Resident Bible Scholar Erin Moon as they…

Sacred Cinema: Iron Man 3

February 25, 2022

Get ready to face some demons and sharpen some iron because in this Sacred Cinema episode we’re talking about Iron Man 3. Join Knox and…

Favored or Forsaken: Love Languages

February 18, 2022

Get ready to spend some quality time with Knox, Jamie, and Erin as they venture into the special books section to talk about Love Languages.…

SWDGISS: Bible Treasures

February 11, 2022

In this latest edition of Stuff We Didn’t Get in Sunday School, we’re talking about all the shiny stuff in the Bible! Join Resident Bible…

Temptation of Christ

February 4, 2022

Get ready for the ultimate Jesus juke because in this episode we’re talking about Jesus in the wilderness. Join Knox and Jamie along with Resident…

Sacred Cinema: The Avengers

January 28, 2022

Unclog that shrapnel from your heart and turn in your Bible to 1 Corinthians 12 because we’re talking about The Avengers. Join Knox and Jamie…

Episode Playlists

We created playlists so you don’t have to dig through the archives to find your favorite episodes. Be still and binge!