June Office Hours
In this episode, we invite you to step into our office (in a not-weird way) as we discuss your questions about being a person of faith in the world. Join Resident Bible Scholar Erin Moon, along with Knox and Jamie, as we explore everything from Innerancy to which Bible characters would make the best and worst roommates. Need tips on how to spot a Theo-Bro? Curious how to actually enjoy the Bible? This episode is for you!
In this episode, we invite you to step into our office (in a not-weird way) as we discuss your questions about being a person of faith in the world. Join Resident Bible Scholar Erin Moon, along with Knox and Jamie, as we explore everything from Innerancy to which Bible characters would make the best and worst roommates. Need tips on how to spot a Theo-Bro? Curious how to actually enjoy the Bible? This episode is for you!
- Are you a TheoBro? Find out here
- We’ll forgive the oversight: Favored or Forsaken: Megachurches
- It’s like a cool graphic novel of the Bible: BibleProject Coffee Table Book
- Spice up your Bible reading: The Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible | First Nations Version | The Good and Beautiful Bible Study
- Listen to the Bible: The Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmitz | The Bible Recap Podcast | Streetlights
- Need a short Bible Study? Check this YouVersion plan from Alabaster
- I can study the Bible through video? Check out Bible Project
- The Chicago Statment on Innerancy: Read it here
- Dr. Angela Parker: Twitter | Interview with The Bible for Normal People
- Helpful resources about Inerancy: SWDGISS: How We Read the Bible | How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns | Inspired by Rachel Held Evans | The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr
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